Exact search
General configuration
Classes and students
Roll call sheet
Homework notebooks
Pedagogical resources
Report cards
Parent-teacher meetings
First connection
Connect to PRONOTE
Account security
Modify your username
Modify my password
Protecting your account
Question answers
I can't remember my password. What do I do?
I have to enter my PIN code every time I log on, even though I'm logging on from the same computer. How can I avoid this?
Is my personal data protected?
Mobile application
Question answers
How do I choose to geolocate my institution to configure my account in the mobile application?
General configuration
Question answers
How can I hide widgets I don't use?
How do I get to the last page I visited?
How do I log out of my Webspace?
Account management
Modify my contact information
Question answers
How do I change the interface language?
How can I prohibit the use of my photo?
Question answers
How do you adapt displays for visually impaired or color-blind users?
Timetable modification
Reserve a room or equipment
Move a course
Indicate that a course is taking place via a videoconference
Question answers
Can I change the subject of a course?
Timetable consultation
Synchronize your schedule with your personal agenda
Question answers
How do I print my timetable?
Remplace a teacher
Question answers
If I respond positively to a request, am I in fact the replacement?
How can I find out about a replacement request?
Classes and students
Personal information
Question answers
How do you identify students benefiting from an accompaniment project?
From which displays can I access a student's accompaniment project?
Where can I find the telephone number of a student's parents?
Question answers
How do I print the roster of a a class or group?
Video tutorial
Display a student's photo
0 min 52 s
Set up a personalized accompaniment group
Question answers
How do I print the list of my students?
Roll call sheet
Student information
Question answers
How can I only see the events I've entered on the roll call sheet?
How do I access a student's accompaniment project from the roll call sheet?
What do the icons next to the students' names mean?
Absences and tardiness
Take the roll call in class
Question answers
How do I enter an absence for only part of a course?
How do I change the duration for a tardiness?
How many times has a student been absent from my course since the beginning of the year?
How do I verify a student's absences during the day?
Is it possible to add columns to the roll call sheet?
Visits to the infirmary
Report a visit to the infirmary
Question answers
How do I stop the publication of the visits to the infirmary?
Enter a punishment from the roll call sheet
Question answers
How do you keep track of the punishments given to students, whether or not they have been carried out?
Information for parents
Write a note to parents from the roll call sheet
Saisir un encouragement sur la feuille d'appel
Memo for the pedagogical team
Share a memo with Student Administration from the roll call sheet
Question answers
How do you promote a student to the teaching team?
Homework notebooks
Configure your homework notebook
Question answers
How do you leave yourself a few personal messages to remember?
How do I associate a homework notebook without a course?
Prepare your progressions
Allocate progression elements to the homework notebook
Question answers
I'd like to see the National Education Official Buletin before using the competencies to create my progression. Where can I find them?
What's the point of entering your progression?
Is it possible to share progressions with colleagues?
I want to recover my progressions from one year to the next. How do I safeguard them?
Course content
Enter course content
Question answers
How do you notify students of a supervised test and still get a head start on entering grades?
I have several classes with the same level. How do I copy and paste content?
How do I fill in the homework notebook when in co-teaching?
Give an assignment
Question answers
How do I underline or put in bold certain terms in the assignment I give my students via the homework notebook?
Is it possible to give personalized homework to just a few students?
Is it possible to ask students to provide an audio file for their work?
How can I know if all the students have done the work I asked them to do?
How can I convert my homework notebook into a PDF file for storage or printing?
Video tutorial
Vérifier la charge de travail d'une classe
1 min 01 s
Mettre en forme le travail à faire
1 min 08 s
Personnaliser le travail à faire pour quelques élèves seulement
2 min 5 s
Demander aux élèves de rendre un travail sur leur Espace
1 min 02 s
Choisir la date de publication d'un cahier de textes
0 min 30 s
Suivre le travail fait / non fait par les élèves
0 min 30 s
Rendre les copies corrigées
1 min 52 s
Creating MCQ
Create a MCQ
Safeguard the MCQ from one year to the next
Question answers
I don't have time to create MCQ: can I recover MCQ that have already been prepared?
How do you allocate difficulty levels to MCQ questions?
I can't specify the coefficient for my questions, the field "Scale" is greyed out...
When do I need to define the execution modalities?
I can't modify a MCQ after linking it to a competence evaluation/graded assignment....
Can mathematical formulas be included in an MCQ?
How do you allocate categories to MCQ to classify them?
The answers given to students are sometimes difficult to read. How can I improve the legibility?
Sharing MCQ between teachers
Deposit a MCQ in the institution's library
Recover a MCQ in the institution's library
Deposit a MCQ in the PRONOTE library
Recover a MCQ from the PRONOTE library:
Question answers
I'd like to work on a MCQ with several people and have all modifications visible to everyone. How can I do this?
Why do I have to connect to the PRONOTE MCQ library as a user?
What is the difference between the PRONOTE library and the institution's library?
How do I remove/modify a MCQ I've placed in the PRONOTE library?
Video tutorial
Partager un QCM avec d'autres enseignants de l'établissement
1 min 23 s
Partager un QCM dans la bibliothèque PRONOTE
1 min 34 s
Récupérer et utiliser un QCM de la bibliothèque PRONOTE
1 min 26 s
Distribution to students
Give a MCQ to revise
Give a MCQ as a homework assignment
Give a MCQ as a graded test
Give a MCQ as a competence evaluation
Question answers
How to choose between the different ways of distributing a MCQ to students
Is it possible to give MCQ with the same questions drawn at random for all the students?
How do you allow a student to retake a MCQ?
Can I give my students more than one try?
How do I choose when my corrected copy will be available?
How do I print a blank MCQ?
How can I make a MCQ count as a bonus in the average?
Where do students find their copy once the MCQ has been completed?
When I customize the execution modalities (more time, fewer questions) my configuration is not taken into account...
Can you give a MCQ to only part of the class?
How can I adapt my MCQ to students with special needs (accompaniment projects, ULIS, SEGPA, UPE2A)?
I give the same MCQ as an assignment to several classes. How can I copy/paste it quickly from one class to another in the homework notebook?
Video tutorial
Donner un QCM aux élèves
8 min 14 s
Donner un QCM à faire comme devoir
1 min 38 s
Donner un QCM à faire depuis le cahier de textes
1 min 40 s
Proposer un QCM adapté à certains élèves
0 min 59 s
Utiliser des QCM pour évaluer des compétences
2 min 32 s
Reading MCQ results
Consult the results of a MCQ
Question answers
How can I display the student's copy and the corrected copy at the same time as the results?
How do I export MCQ results in .csv format?
How to print or edit MCQ results in PDF format?
I have allowed my students to take the same MCQ several times. Can I consult the grades obtained in previous attempts?
How to modify results manually
Video tutorial
Traiter les résultats d'un QCM
2 min 23 s
Modifier manuellement les résultats d'un QCM
0 min 50 s
Indiquer si le QCM doit ou non compter dans la moyenne
1 min 0 s
Pedagogical resources
Sharing the pedagogical resources
Sharing an pedagogical resource with a class
Question answers
What are pedagogical resources in PRONOTE?
Who can see the pedagogical resources I share with a class?
Video tutorial
Ajouter des documents depuis son Cloud
1 min 07 s
Transmettre des documents aux élèves
1 min 39 s
Faire un lien vers un contenu extrait de l'encyclopédie Universalis
1 min 40 s
Organiser ses ressources par thème
1 min 44 s
Safeguard the pedagogical resources
Save your pedagogical resources at the end of the year
Video tutorial
Sauvegarder ses ressources pédagogiques
1 min 37 s
Pedagogical forums
Promoting exchanges in a secure environment
Question answers
How to moderate exchanges between students
Video tutorial
Créer un forum pédagogique
2 min 27 s
Grading services
Create a grading sub-service
Question answers
What is a grading service?
Video tutorial
Différencier l'oral et l'écrit dans son service de notation
1 min 19 s
Entering the grades
Entering grades for a test
Question answers
Some students haven't handed in their assignment on time. Can I postpone the due date on a case-by-case basis?
I often add comments to my students' papers. Can I do the same in PRONOTE?
Can the publication of grades on the Parents Webspace be pushed back?
I'm a teacher coordinator (ULIS, SEGPA, UP2EA). How do I give my students grades?
I'd like a test to benefit students who succeed without penalizing those who fail. How can I do this?
How do I get the grades published after I've returned the students' tests?
How does an absence or an unreturned test count towards the average?
How do I go about rounding up the averages?
Video tutorial
Programmer un DS
0 min 59 s
Organiser un devoir sur table à distance
0 min 53 s
Noter avec un barème spécifique
0 min 54 s
Indiquer si un devoir non rendu doit compter dans la moyenne
1 min 12 s
Monitor results
Question answers
How to indicate non-representative averages?
Is it possible to view a grade's modification history?
Where can I find a graphical view of a student's results?
Video tutorial
Choisir la date de publication d'une note
0 min 36 s
Faire compter une note uniquement si elle n'est pas pénalisante
1 min 47 s
Report cards
Entering report cards
Calculate the average of a service
Calculate the positionings
Enter the appraisals
Enter the worked on program elements
Entering in the educational programs
Question answers
I'm a teacher coordinator (ULIS, SEGPA, UP2EA). How do I fill in my students' general appraisals?
How do you indicate that an average is unrepresentative?
How do I add grades to my competence bulletin?
Are the positioning calculation modes configurable?
Some of the competencies evaluated must not be taken into account for the calculation of positionings...
What elements are entered by Teachers/Student Administration/Senior Management?
How much time do I have left to enter the report cards?
I can no longer modify a report card because the sealing date has passed. What should I do?
Is it possible to increase the maximum length for appraisals?
I'd like to change the appraisal of one of my colleagues. Is this possible?
What is the purpose of the data-entry assistant?
How can I recover the appraisals of the entry assistant from one year to the next?
Is there a spell-checker for appraisals?
Video tutorial
Se constituer une bibliothèque d'appréciations
2 min 5 s
Paramétrer le calcul de la moyenne
1 min 46 s
Calculer les positionnements sur le bulletin de compétences
1 min 34 s
Class committee organization
Question answers
How do I know if all the necessary information has been entered for the class committee?
Where can I find class committee dates?
I won't be able to attend some class committees. How can I leave a recommendation for my students?
Video tutorial
Visualiser les éléments de bulletin manquants
1 min 5 s
Partager des avis pour les conseils de classe
1 min 20 s
Consulting the report cards
Question answers
Can I consult previous years' report cards?
When will students and their parents be able to see the report card?
Entering proficiency levels
Enter the proficiency levels for an evaluation
Question answers
What is the purpose of the column Evaluable?
How do you associate the reference frames per subject with the domains of the platform?
How do I associate a test with a duplicate evaluation?
How to customize competence reference frames?
How do you evaluate Cycle 4 students with Cycle 2 or 3 competencies (ULIS, SEGPA, UPE2A)?
I'm a teacher coordinator (ULIS, SEGPA, UP2EA). How do I validate my students' competencies?
I can't see the colors clearly. Can I replace the coloured dots with numbers?
Is it possible to change the color of the proficiency level dots?
There are too many or too few possible proficiency levels. Can we define the ones we use?
To save time, how can you enter only the most common proficiency levels in a test?
The competencies proposed for my subject do not suit me. Can I create others?
How to duplicate a competence evaluation from one class to another?
Is it possible to generate a grade from a competence evaluation?
With each graded test, I also evaluate competencies. How do I go about it?
Video tutorial
Saisir rapidement les résultats d'une évaluation
2 min 35 s
Dupliquer une évaluation
1 min 5 s
Générer une note à partir d'une évaluation de compétence
0 min 43 s
Competence follow-ups
Question answers
How do you establish a list of students who have not mastered a competence?
How do you identify the competencies a student hasn't mastered?
How is positioning calculated at the end of the period?
There are two possible representations of evaluations on the report given to families. Which is more representative of the student's level?
Can the grade and positioning be displayed on the same report card?
Internship follow-ups
Enter an internship follow-ups
Question answers
How do I find unsigned agreements?
How can I quickly identify current internships?
How can I find a company's contact details?
How do I contact an internship counselor?
How can I obtain a trainee's contact details?
Parent-teacher meetings
Entering desiderata
Indicate which parents you would like to meet
Question answers
How do I indicate the time slots for which I am available?
Will all my desiderata be respected?
Video tutorial
Saisir ses indisponibilités et ses desiderata pour les rencontres parents-professeurs
1 min 19 s
Meeting schedule
Indicate which meetings took place/did not take place
Question answers
Where can I consult my meeting schedule?
Send information
Question answers
How do I know when I've received new information?
What is meant by information?
How do you know if a piece of information has been read?
How can you avoid having to select the same list of recipients every time?
How long is information visible on the Webspaces?
Is it possible to modify information after it has been published?
Video tutorial
Diffuser une information
1 min 48 s
Utiliser les listes de diffusion
1 min 58 s
Conduct a survey
Consult the results of a survey
Create a survey template
Question answers
How do I know when I've received a new survey?
When to use a survey?
How do I conduct an anonymous survey?
Do both parents respond to the survey?
How do I recover a survey template?
How do I share a survey template?
How to share survey results?
Video tutorial
Faire un sondage
4 min 6 s
Utiliser les listes de diffusion
1 min 58 s
Initiate a discussion
Categorize discussions
Question answers
What is a discussion?
How do I know when I've received a new message?
How do you know who's taking part in the discussion?
Why isolate a discussion in a window?
How do I stop taking part in a discussion?
How can you limit the use of discussions (recipients, time slots, etc.)?
How do I report an inappropriate message?
I can't find a message: what can I do?
I have too many discussions in my mailbox: how can I clean it up?
How do you configure times when you want to be disconnected?
Video tutorial
Communiquer via les discussions
2 min 52 s
Désactiver la réception des messages le soir et le week-end
0 min 57 s
Signaler un message inapproprié
0 min 51 s
Nettoyer sa messagerie
1 min 27 s
Digital locker
Deposit a document in the digital lockers
Question answers
How do I know when I've received a new document in my digital locker?
How do I consult a document in the digital locker?
My document is too heavy. What should I do?
Video tutorial
Utiliser le casier numérique
1 min 20 s
Create an event in the agenda
Synchronize your PRONOTE timetable/agenda with your personal agenda
Video tutorial
Saisir un événement dans l'agenda
1 min 45 s
Synchroniser l'agenda PRONOTE à son agenda personnel
0 min 35 s
Create a new meeting
Create a series of meetings
Validate a meeting request
Authorize parents of your classes to request meetings
Question answers
Where can I find the telephone number of the parents I'm meeting?
The meeting room has changed. How can families be informed?
What are meeting requests in PRONOTE?
How do I cancel a meeting?
SPC (PPMS) Alert
Setting off a SPC (PPMS) alert
Question answers
Where can I consult the list of SPC (PPMS) alerts issued this year?
Enter an instant message
Question answers
How can I contact Student Administration staff quickly?
How can I find out who's available for live chat?
How do I recover a message sent via chat?
Video tutorial
Utiliser la messagerie instantanée
0 min 49 s
Contacter un personnel de vie scolaire disponible tout de suite
0 min 34 s