Create a new meeting
Creating a meeting allows you to arrange a one-off meeting with a student and/or the student's guardians. When you send an appointment request to a student, the appointment is automatically added to his/her agenda and to yours. When you send a meeting proposal to a guardian, you have to wait for him/her to validate the proposed slot before the meeting appears in your calendar. Several slots can be offered; if none are suitable, the guardian can send you a telephone number so that you can contact him again.
Create a one-off meeting for a student
- Go to the tab Communication > My meetings.
- Click on the button New, the select the option Schedule a meeting with a student.
- In the pop-up window, click in the field Student, then select the student from the list.
- Enter the subject of the meeting and the content of your message.
- You can also add an attachment by clicking on the button Add an attachment.
- Specify the duration of your meeting.
- Define the date, time, modality (face-to-face or by telephone) and location of the meeting, then click on Validate: the meeting is added to the list of meetings, to your agenda and to the student's.
Create a simple meeting with a guardian
- Go to the tab Communication > My meetings.
- Click on the button New, the select the option Suggest a meeting to a guardian.
- In the pop-up window, click in the field Guardian(s), then tick the guardian(s) in the list; you can also request the student's presence by ticking the corresponding box.
- Enter the subject of the meeting and the content of your message.
- Specify the duration of the meeting.
- Click on the button to add one or more slots:
- To add slots one by one, select New slot, then define the date, time, modality (face-to-face or by telephone) and location.
- to offer several slots over an entire period (a morning, for example), select Define slots from a time range. The number of slots defined depends on the meeting duration defined in step 6; if you are unavailable for certain slots within this range, you can delete them individually. Also define the modality (face-to-face or by telephone) and location for the meeting.
- To add slots one by one, select New slot, then define the date, time, modality (face-to-face or by telephone) and location.
- Click on Validate: the meeting is added to the list of meetings. You must wait for the guardians to validate the meeting before appearing in your agenda.
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