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  • Give a MCQ as a homework assignment

The way in which you present your MCQs to your students depends on what you want to achieve: detect points of the course that are not understood, make revision fun, evaluate competencies, etc. The same MCQ can be presented several times in different ways.

To give a MCQ as homework:
  1. In Pedagogical tools > MCQ > My MCQ, fright-click on the MCQ and choose Associate the MCQ with a homework notebook.
  2. In the pop-up window, select the week and then the course for which the MCQ is to be taken, and indicate that it is to be given as homework: the students must have taken the MCQ by the date you specify. You can consult their results.

  1. Click on the button Associate.
  2. The student accesses the MCQ from the home page of his/her Webspace, as well as from the tab Homework notebook.
A MCQ given as homework are not graded, or if they are, the grade is indicative and does not count towards the average.


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