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  • How to customize competence reference frames?

If your administrator has given you the corresponding authorizations, you can customize the competence reference frames proposed by default.

The reference frames can be customized, but they are not personal: they are shared by all the institution's teachers.

Enter the new elements or items

The significant elements correspond to the 1st level of the reference frame. To add new elements, click on Enter an element, enter a designation and then click on the key Enter.

To enter items, perform the same operation by clicking on the buttons "+" of each element.

Re-enter the sub-items

To enter new sub-items, you must activate sub-item management by clicking on the button  in the top right-hand corner of the list: in the pop-up window, tick Manage the sub-items.

Activation is carried out by reference frame (it can be deactivated for the French reference frame but activated for the Mathematics reference frame, for example).

Deactivating sub-item management permanently deletes sub-items already entered.

Copy/paste items from one reference frame to another

To copy/paste items or sub-items from one reference frame to another, select them from the list, right-click and select Copy the selected items. Then select the element into which you wish to import the items/sub-items and right-click + Paste the items in the selected competencies.

A similar operation allows you to import the entire reference frame, including significant elements (Copy the grid > Paste the grid).

Import the items from a spreadsheet

Importing from a spreadsheet allows you to create a reference frame of subjects for a cycle that is not already available in PRONOTE. This operation is performed exclusively from the Client PRONOTE.

  1. In the file containing your data, you must have filled in the columns: cycle, subject/domain, competence, item, sub-item.

  2. Save the file in text or *.csv format.

  3. In PRONOTE, launch the command Imports/Exports > TXT/CSV/XML > Import a text file and select the file.

  4. In the pop-up window, match the columns and PRONOTE fields as you would for any text import, specifying at the top of the drop-down menu whether the reference frame per subject or per field.

Rearrange the order of items

The order of elements, items or sub-items can be changed using the buttons Ascend and Descend at the top right of the reference frame. Select the concerned row, then click on these buttons.

Hide the unused items

Hiding unused significant elements, items and sub-items removes them from the list without deleting them.

Deleting significant elements, items and sub-items is definitive: the default reference frame cannot be reset (unless it has been previously exported to a spreadsheet).

Un-tick them in the column Evaluable then tick the box Only display the evaluable: the un-ticked significant elements, items and sub-items disappear from the list.

Modify the existing items

The designations of existing items can be modified by double-clicking in each row.

Please note, however, that the designations of some of the significant elements proposed by default cannot be modified (designations on a gray background).

Delete the existing items

To delete a significant element, item or sub-item, select it, right-click and select Delete.

The deletion of significant elements, items and sub-items is definitive: the default reference frame cannot be reset (unless it has been previously exported to a spreadsheet).
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