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  • How can you limit the use of discussions (recipients, time slots, etc.)?

Right to disconnect

To limit the use of discussions, you can deactivate the reception of messages on certain days of the week and/or during certain time slots. You can also activate an automatic return to notify people who write to you during these slots. All these options are configurable and can be found in My data > Account > Right to disconnect.

Modify contact preferences

  1. In the panel My data > Account > Contact preferences, rubric Authorizations, tick the wanted modes of communication and indicate whether you accept discussions with the parents and/or students. 
    If you have been appointed "Anti-bullying referent" for students, you must tick All.
  2. Click on the button Validate your entry at the top right to save your entry.
    1. You can refine this configuration by selecting the classes and/or groups for which this authorization applies. You can also choose to accept or refuse discussions with teachers and/or staff.

    Prevent parent/student access to discussions

    In the event of a problem, the base administrator can prevent a parent/student from accessing discussions (without having to disable discussions for the whole class). Contact the administrator to deactivate access.
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