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  • Deposit a document in the digital lockers

Teachers, staff and internship counselors each have a digital locker in which they can receive and deposit documents for the attention of their colleagues.

Deposit a document in a digital locker

To deposit a document in a digital locker, go to Communication > Digital locker and:
  1. Click on Distribution below the top bar.
  2. Click on + Deposit a document, then select the type of destination (disk or cloud).

  3. After selecting your file(s), the attachment optimization window appears. Choose whether or not to compress the files. Click on Next then on Attach x document(s).
  4. In the pop-up window, select a category.
  5. Click in the Staff and/or Teachers and/or Internship counselor to designate the recipients.
  6. A click in the column Memo, you can add a few words to accompany the document.
  7. Click on the button Validate your entry  at the top right to share it.

Manage documents deposited in digital lockers

In Communication > Digital locker, select Distribute to find the documents you have deposited in the lockers. You can:

  • add recipients by clicking in the corresponding columns;
  • consult a document (right-click command);
  • update a document (right-click command) to avoid sending a new document;
  • delete a document (right-click command). Caution: the document is deleted for all recipients.
  • grant recipients the authorization to update the document by ticking the box Modif.
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