Prepare your progressions
Progressions correspond to the course outline for a given subject and level, with more or less content depending on what the teacher already has in a digital format and what he/she wants to record in the homework notebook.
Create a progression
Select the display My progressions in Pedagogical tools > Progression.
In the list on the left, click on the creation line, enter a designation and validate with the key [Enter]: PRONOTE then asks you to choose a level corresponding to your courses.
In the new pop-up window, indicate how you want to fill in the progression:
- from the official program: select it from the list (you can modify the content and organization of the progression);
- by copying a progression from the library, if your colleagues have made a progression available in the library that you want to recover (you can modify the content and organization of the progression).
- with a blank tree structure: you fill in and organize your progression as you see fit, without any prior content (copy-paste is possible).
Advice from the PRONOTE team: only enter the class meeting summary and upload the entire course as a PDF file, making sure to name it clearly. In this way, students can find all their courses in the subject's pedagogical resources.
Edit a progression
Select the display My progressions then the progression to be edited in the list on the left.
- To add items, right-click on a folder and choose Add content or Add an assignment, which you then edit in the right-hand panel. You can enter content directly into the element or attach it as a PDF file: once the progression element has been assigned to the homework notebook, students will be able to download the attachment from their Webspace, making it easy for them to keep track of their courses.
Things to know: the size of attachments is set by the administrator and may not exceed 10 MB per file.
To organize elements, click and drag them in the tree structure or use the arrows on the right. Right-click to create folders and subfolders. All folders and contents can be renamed and deleted.
Enriching a progression from the homework notebook
If you want to work with progressions over the long term but don't have enough time to prepare everything in advance, a good solution is to create a progression that you enrich during the year from the homework notebook: your progress will be ready to use for the following year.
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