• Create courses directly in the list

If you have not created a curriculum or if you want to create courses that are not part of the curricula, you can create the courses directly in the list. It is up to you to verify that all the courses you have planned have been created.  You create unplaced courses, that is to say without a defined time slot. Their placement in the grid is carried out in a second step (review the methodology).

I create a course in less than a minute

  1. Go to the tab Schedules > Courses >   List.
  2. Launch the command Edit > Create a course or use the shortcut Ctrl + N.
  3. In the pop-up window, begin by entering the subject and at least one course resource: teachers(s), class(es) or groups/options, room(s). If you don't know the room or the teacher yet, you will assign them later.

  1. Specify the default course duration: the proposed durations (1h, 1h30, etc.) depend on the time step defined when configuring the time grid. It will be possible to modify the duration of some class meetings later.

  1. Enter the period of the course by highlighting (if the course is to take place)/off (if the course is not to take place) the weeks on the green slider. If a calendar has been allocated to the class, you can turn on/off a calendar period by clicking on the button on the right of the slider.

  1. HYPERPLANNING automatically plans a class meeting per week. The number of class meetings is displayed on the left of the slider. If this number is incorrect:
    • tick Movable class meetings if the planned number of class meetings is less, modify the number of class meetings. The course period has transformed into a potential: there are more possible weeks than class meetings; the choice of weeks will be made at the time of placement.

    • tick Cumulative class meetings if the planned number of class meetings is higher and then modify the number of class meetings. The course period has transformed into a potential: there are fewer possible weeks than class meetings; some weeks there will be more than one class meeting.

  1. Select the number of copies to create, knowing that it will then be easy to modify a resource or a characteristic on the other copies.
  2. Click on the button Create. The course appears in the list of courses. It is displayed in blue with the icon .
To rapidly create a series of courses, you can also use the duplication feature once the course has been created.

I have more time; I enter more information (when it is useful)

Most of the following characteristics are rarely defined at this stage. It is faster to enter them in a multi-selection on a series of courses.

Unavailability and wishes:
if you know in advance that the course will not take place in certain slots, click on the tab Unavailability and wishes. Enter the unavailability in the grid. These are in addition to the resources. Conversely, you can also indicate a placement preference by entering wishes.

Type: if you want to distinguish the different types of courses, for example, lectures, workshops or languages.

Weighting: if the courses do not counted equally in the teacher's service.

Site: you have activated site management, you can indicate the site of the course but in general it is not necessary, it is the room of the course which indicates on which site it takes place.

Memo: if you want to enter information intended for other users or just a reminder.

Export to PRONOTE: if you use the student administration software PRONOTE.

Limited access: if only certain users have the right to modify the course.

Compulsory course: if you wish to distinguish between student absences from compulsory and non-compulsory courses.

Families: if you have created your own classification criteria, you can classify your courses according to these criteria.

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