• Create modules and curriculum

A curriculum designates a set of hourly volumes per subject to be achieved, the hourly volumes can be grouped beforehand by module (teaching unit).

It is not essential to enter the curricula in HYPERPLANNING but it does have advantages:
  • you can generate the courses by transforming the planned volumes into X class meetings and automatically recover the organization of the subjects per module (teaching unit) on the report cards;
  • you can compare throughout the year the planned volumes with the actual scheduled courses.

The curriculum created can then be allocated to one or more classes; for each class, you then indicate precisely the studies taken.

First step (optional): create modules

A module is a set of subjects united under a designation. This step is optional if the subjects taken do not need to be "sorted" by module.
  1. Go to the tab Schedules > Curricula and modules > Editing of modules.
  2. Click on the line Create a module, enter the name of the module and confirm with the key Enter.
  3. Select the module and click on the line Add a subject.
  4. In the pop-up window, tick the subjects to be added to the module and validate.
  5. For each subject, enter the time volume to be covered by type of course by clicking in the corresponding columns (courses, groups, labs, etc.). If the proposed course types are not suitable, you can create new ones.
To quickly edit similar modules by changing only the information that differs, duplicate a first module by right-clicking and choosing the command Duplicate the selection.

Second step: create the curriculum

If you have created the modules, you create the curriculum by choosing the subjects that compose it.
  1. Go to the tab Schedules > Curricula and modules > Editing of curricula.
  2. Click on the line Create a curriculum, enter a designation and validate with the key Enter.
  3. Select the curriculum and click on the line Add a module or a subject.
  4. In the pop-up window, select modules in the drop-down menu.

  1. Tick the modules to be added to the curriculum and validate: the subjects are automatically imported with their hourly volume.
If you have not created the modules, you create the curriculum by choosing the subjects that compose it.
  1. Go to the tab Schedules > Curricula and modules > Editing of curricula.
  2. Click on the line Create a curriculum, enter a designation and validate with the key Enter.
  3. Select the curriculum and click on the line Add a module or a subject.
  4. In the pop-up window, select subjects in the drop-down menu. The option Compulsory choice, under the designation: allows you to gather the subjects under a designation.
  5. Tick the subjects to be added to the curriculum and validate.

  1. For each subject, enter the time volume to be covered by type of course by clicking in the corresponding columns (courses, groups, labs, etc.). If the proposed course types are not suitable, you can create new ones.
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