• Create a teacher

Teachers can be imported from another database or created on the fly as needed. If your school refers to " professors " or " lecturers ", modify the designation throughout the software.

I create a teacher in less than a minute

  1. Go to the tab Schedules > Teachers > List.
  2. Click on the line Create a teacher, enter the surname then the first name, validating each time with the key Enter.
  3. Double-click in the column Civil status to specify the civil status.
  4. HYPERPLANNING automatically allocates:
    • a username (case sensitive),
    • a password (to be personalized at the first connection to the Teachers Webspace),
    • the authorization Profile 1.I have more time, I fill in more information (when it is useful)

To display all the information, click on the button at the top right of the list and move all the columns to displayed columns.

To modify data or fill an empty field, double-click on it.

To modify data for several or even all subjects in a single operation, it is necessary  to conduct a multi-selection and then launch the appropriate command on the right click (usually in the  sub-menu Modify...).

Authorization: authorization profile to be chosen among the existing profiles.

Annual provision: number of hours that the teacher must provide in the year. Exceeding the annual provision is always reported, it may be prohibited.

DHM: the daily hourly maximum allows to define a maximum number of hours per day for the teacher. HYPERPLANNING complies with this maximum during an automatic placement and warns you if you exceed it during a manual placement.

WHM: the weekly hourly maximum allows to define a maximum number of hours per week for the teacher. HYPERPLANNING complies with this maximum during an automatic placement and warns you if you exceed it during a manual placement.

MJA:  the maximum of days per year allows to define a maximum number of days of presence (at least one course) for the teacher. HYPERPLANNING complies with this maximum during an automatic placement and warns you if you exceed it during a manual placement.

MDW: the maximum of days per week allows to define a maximum number of days of presence (at least one course) for the teacher. HYPERPLANNING complies with this maximum during an automatic placement and warns you if you exceed it during a manual placement.

MHD: the maximum of half- days per week allows to define a maximum number of half-days of presence (at least one course) for the teacher. HYPERPLANNING complies with this maximum during an automatic placement and warns you if you exceed it during a manual placement.

Subjects: subjects taught by the teachers. Entering them speeds up the creation of courses (a filter displays only the teacher's subjects).

Classes: classes seen by teachers. Entering them makes it easier to choose the class on the Teachers Webspace.

Preferential room: preferential room where the teacher should give the course as a priority. HYPERPLANNING takes the preferred room into account when allocating rooms to the groups in the courses.

Pedagogical coordinator: allows the indication of classes for which the teacher is the pedagogical coordinator. The pedagogical coordinator can enter the overall observation and the decision on the report card from the Teachers Webspace.

Hourly cost: the hourly cost allows the calculation for cost of the courses and more specifically the cost of the teacher over a period or over the year. The default cost of a teacher can be differentiated by class.

Discharge: a discharge allows to taking into account in the cost of the paid teaching hours of a teacher that do not correspond to course hours.

SMS recipient: indicates that the teacher agrees to receive SMS messages. The teacher can modify this field from the Teachers Webspace.

Landline area code: by default, 33. You can modify it in multi-selection.

Office phone area code: by default, 33. You can modify it in multi-selection.

Cellphone area code: by default, 33. You can modify it in multi-selection or change the default area code for future entries in Parameters > Other modules > Communication.

Internet sites: allows to enter the teacher's website(s)..

Share the weighting: indicates whether, in the case of co-teaching, the teacher shares the course weighting with the other co-teachers.

Authorized use of the photos: ticked by default, the teacher can disallow the use of his/her photo in the rosters from his/her Webspace.

Eye: this column allows you to indicate the data you want to mask durably.

Publication: ticked by default, it means that the courses of this teachers will be published on the Webspaces.

The following information is easier to modify and consult from the tab Schedules > Teachers > Teacher form. The interest of displaying them in the list is to be able to sort in this column, for example, to find all the teachers living in the same city, or all the teachers whose e-mail address has not been entered, etc.

Given name: to be entered for information.

Date of birth: to be entered for information.

Place of birth: to be chosen among the cities proposed in the list. f it is not there, you can add it by clicking on the button .

Address 1, 2, 3 and 4: elements used for the composition of the address in letters and documents.

Postal code: used for the composition of the address in letters and documents.

City: to be chosen among the cities proposed in the list. If it is not there, you can add it by clicking on the button .

Province/State/Region: to be chosen among the regions proposed in the list. If it is not there, you can add it by clicking on the button . Can be used for the composition of the address in mail and documents.
Country: to be chosen among the countries proposed in the list. If it is not there, you can add it by clicking on the button .

Landline: to be entered for information.

Cellphone: used for the sending of SMS.

Office phone: to be entered for information.

Social security number and Social security key: caution, private data, under the GDPR, you must justify the use of this data in your privacy impact plan.

Mutual insurance: to choose from the list of mutual insurance companies. If it is not listed, you can add it by clicking on the button .

E-mail 1 and E-mail 2: allows you to enter two e-mail addresses and specify which other users (staff, teachers, students and parents, business contacts) can use them.

Attached documents: allows you to attach documents to the teacher's form. These documents can be uploaded directly by the teacher from the Teachers Webspace. The maximum size depends on the setting.

Fiscal code: to be entered for information.

TVA (VAT) number: to be entered for information.

Activity declaration number: to be entered for information.

Internal information for the administration: confidential information only visible by ??? that does not appear on any printout.

Commentary: allows you to enter a comment of your choice.

Owner: by default, it is the user that creates the teacher, can be modified by an administrator.

I can consult this information during the year

The following information is calculated by HYPERPLANNING; it cannot be modified (that is why the columns are shaded).

Annual occupancy: number of course hours in the year. This calculation may or may not take into account unplaced holidays/courses depending on what is selected in My Preferences > Data > Teachers > Preferences linked to the occupancy calculation, you can access it by clicking on the button in the column title.

Weighting: additional hours over the year due to weighted courses.

Total: Annual occupancy + Weighting

Variance: Total - Annual provision

Days of presence (Dop) : number of days of presence (at least one course during the day) during the active period.

Annual peak occupancy: maximum number of course hours completed in a week considering all the weeks of the year. To know which week it is, position the cursor on the cell: the week appears in a tooltip. This calculation may or may not take into account unplaced holidays/courses depending on what is selected in My Preferences > Data > Teachers > Preferences linked to the occupancy calculation, you can access it by clicking on the button in the column title.

Peak occupancy over the period: maximum number of course hours completed in a week considering the weeks of the active period. To know which week it is, position the cursor on the cell: the week appears in a tooltip. This calculation may or may not take into account unplaced holidays/courses depending on what is selected in My Preferences > Data > Teachers > Preferences linked to the occupancy calculation, you can access it by clicking on the button in the column title.

Annual cost: calculated on the basis of the teacher's Hourly Cost and possibly the Discharge entered taking into account the courses in all weeks of the year. This calculation may or may not take into account unplaced holidays/courses depending on what is selected in My Preferences > Data > Teachers > Preferences linked to the occupancy calculation, you can access it by clicking on the button in the column title.

Cost over the period: calculated on the basis of the teacher's Hourly Cost and possibly the Discharge entered taking into account the courses over the weeks of the active period. This calculation may or may not take into account unplaced holidays/courses depending on what is selected in My Preferences > Data > Teachers > Preferences linked to the occupancy calculation, you can access it by clicking on the button in the column title.

Recipient of student e-mail: this column is ticked if you have specified in the teacher's form that one of the two e-mail addresses of the teacher can be used by students and parents.

UID identifier: identifier automatically recovered during an import of the teachers.

All this information can be copied via the button at the top right of the list, then pasted into a text file.
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