• Automatically allocate rooms to courses

The automatic allocation of rooms to courses is carried out, group by group, once the rooms have been linked to the groups and the courses placed.
HYPERPLANNING takes into account:
  • the preferential rooms for teachers and classes, if they have been defined;
  • limiting travel for teachers or classes if classes are held at distant sites;
  • the order of the rooms in the group.
  1. Go to the tab Schedules > Rooms > Management of room groups.
  2. Knowing that HYPERPLANNING occupies in priority the first rooms of the list, if necessary, modify the order of the rooms with the arrows and at the top right of the list.
  3. If site management is enabled, choose which trips to limit: those of the teachers or classes.
  4. To only process some courses, beforehand conduct an extraction of these courses in the course list and tick Only from extracted courses.
  5. If the room allocation is only for one period of the year, adjust the Active period in the slider.
  6. Click on the button Automatically allocate the rooms at the bottom right. HYPERPLANNING transfers to Exclusive Usage mode.

  1. HYPERPLANNING allocates rooms by minimizing the number of rooms used.

  1. Once all the rooms of all the groups have been allocated to the courses, you can click on the button Optimize room distribution to ask HYPERPLANNING to improve the distribution.
  2. In the pop-up window, you can influence:
    • the optimization by Classes or by Teachers and set priorities
    • the order of the five optimization criteria
    • the pre-locking of the rooms

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