• Create a subject

The subject is the purpose of the course. More generally, it is the reason why you are mobilizing one or more resources in a time slot. It can therefore be English, Civil law, Design, Anatomy but also Meeting, Interview, etc. If in your school, you talk about "discipline" instead of subject, modify the designation in all the software.

Remark: to indicate whether it is a lecture course, a lab course, or a tutorial course, it is the type of the course that will be specified.

I create a subject in less than a minute

  1. Go to the tab Schedules > Subjects  > List.
  2. Click on the line Create a subject, enter the usual designation of the subject and then a code (the abbreviated name for example or leave it blank if you don't think you need it) by validating each time with the key Enter.

  1. Double-click in the column Color and allocate a color to the subject, unless you prefer to allocate them automatically once all the subjects have been created.

I have more time, I fill in more information (when it is useful)

To display all the information, click on the button at the top right of the list and move all columns to the displayed columns.

To modify data or fill an empty field, double-click on it.

To modify data for several or even all subjects in a single operation, it is necessary  make a multi-selection and then launch the appropriate command using the right-click (usually in the sub-menu Modify...).

Long designation: the long designation allows to differentiate the usual designation from an official one (generally longer and difficult to read on the timetables). The long designation can be used on official documents (report cards, etc.) if you tick Long designation in the mock-ups. The designation can also be displayed differently depending on the classes.

International designation:
the international designation allows to display the English designation next to or instead of the French designation on some official documents (report cards, etc.).

Printing: ticked by default, it means that the courses of this subject will be printed when the timetable is printed. Can be un-ticked for subjects like Housekeeping, etc. (in the timetable of the rooms).

DHM: the daily hourly maximum allows you to define a maximum number of hours per subject per day for a student. HYPERPLANNING complies with this maximum during an automatic placement and warns you if you exceed it during a manual placement.

WHM: the weekly hourly maximum allows you to define a maximum number of hours per subject per week for a student. HYPERPLANNING complies with this maximum during an automatic placement and warns you if you exceed it during a manual placement.

Eye: this column allows you to indicate the data you want to mask durably.

Publication: ticked by default, it means that the courses of this subject will be published on the Webspaces. Can be unticked for subjects such as Housekeeping, etc. (in the timetable of the room).

I can consult this information during the year

The following information cannot be modified (that's why the columns are shaded).

UID identifier: identifier automatically recovered during an import of subjects.

Curricula: indicates the curricula to which the subject is associated with in the tab Curricula and modules.

Owner: by default, it is the user who creates the subject, can be modified by an administrator.
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