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  • Generate the specialization courses

Les specialization courses scheduled on the same slot are automatically aligned in a complex course if you have generated the specialization groups with the mode By distributing the groups in X alignments and obtained a satisfactory result.
  1. Go to the display Timetable > Specializations >  Generation of the specialization groups.
  2. Select all the groups then click on the button Create the courses of the selected groups on the bottom right: a window Course creation configuration appears.

  3. Configure the duration/frequency of the block of courses to be aligned, and adjust the number of copies accordingly.

    Do not enter any unavailability, unless you have already " reserved " half-days for specialization studies.
  4. Click on the button Validate: a confirmation window appears. Leave the option Align courses while complying to the planned alignments and click on Yes: you automatically switch to the list of courses, with only one complex course created per alignment (A or B), with a class meeting per group, multiplied by the number of copies requested (here, two copies of a 3-hour class meeting for Alignment A / two copies of a 3-hour class meeting for Alignment B).

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