• Create courses for a class based on its curriculum

This is the safest way to create all the courses in a class without forgetting any. To do this, you must first have created a curriculum and have allocated it to the class. The courses created are unplaced, that is to say without a defined slot. Their placement on the grid is done in a second step (review the methodology).
  1. Go to the tab Schedules > Classes > Curriculum.
  2. Unfold the list on the left and select the class or group/options if applicable.
  3. Verify that the studies taken are ticked on the right.
  4. On the right, under the curriculum, click on the button Create courses from the curriculum.

  1. In the pop-up window, click on the button that precedes the curriculum to display the details of the courses, then on the button that precedes a course to display the distribution of the planned hours.
  2. By default, HYPERPLANNING proposes a course per study with class meetings of 2 hours which can take place any week of the year. If the planned volume corresponds to an odd number of hours, you will see a variation displayed in red.

  1. You can modify the HYPERPLANNING proposal by changing the possible weeks for the course (the potential) on the slider that appears when the course is selected or by modifying the duration and number of class meetings.

  1. If the class meetings do not have the same duration: select the course, right-click and choose the command Add another copy of the course. Repeat as many times as there are different durations.
  2. Select each copy of the course and make your changes:
    •  highlight the weeks on which the course can take place. If a calendar has been allocated to the class, you can turn on/off a calendar period by selecting it from the menu or clicking on the button on the right of the slider,
    • select the duration in the menu,
    • enter the number of class meetings.
  3. A tick in the column Variance confirms that your distribution covers the planned time volume.

  1. Once you have verified the distribution, if you already know the teachers who will be teaching the classes, click on the button  on the top right of the list to display the column Teachers then assign one or more teachers to each course in case of co-teaching. This assignment can also be made at a later time.

  1. Click on the button Create the corresponding courses: you will find them selected in Schedules > Courses > List.
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