• Define individual security measures

These measures concern the security relating to the individual connection of users to HYPERPLANNING, for global security measures consult the methods of restricting access to the controller or to the servers.

Define the rules concerning passwords

These rules are valid only if the users connect directly to HYPERPLANNING. Knowing that each user must personalize his password at his first connection, you can impose certain rules.
  1. Go to:
    • either the Client , menu Parameters > General parameters > Security,
    • or the applications Administration of the Controller or the Servers , in the panel Network users, in the tab List of users: click on the button in the column Pwd to display the security rules window.

  1. The default rules correspond to the recommendations of the CNIL. Tick other options if you want to make passwords more complex.
  2. If you want users to change their passwords regularly, you can set a maximum password lifetime. After this time has elapsed:
    • if you choose Force change at expiration, the user is obliged to change his/her password;
    • if you choose Only notify at expiration, the user is advised to change the password (but is not obliged to do so).
  3. In both cases, the user is notified a few days before the password expires.

Offer dual authentication

You can offer users dual authentication to strengthen account security. Users are then asked for a PIN code (in addition to the password) each time they log in from a new unregistered device.

Choose the options offered to users

  1. From the Client ,go to the menu Parameters > General parameters > Security.
  2. In the frame Security policy for Teachers and Staff, tick the options offered to the users: to impose PIN code entry, leave only Enter a PIN code ticked.

Strengthen the security of your account

As a staff member, you will also be asked to set a PIN code.
  1. When you log in for the first time, tick Set a PIN code and use the numeric keypad to enter it, then confirm the code, clicking on Validate each time.

  1. When you log in from a new device, the software asks you to enter your PIN code. If the device you are connecting from is only used by you or trusted persons, tick I add this device to the list of my unregistered devices and give it a name (Room 10, Secretariat, etc.). You will no longer be asked for a PIN code when logging in from this device (unless you are using a private browsing mode); only your username and password will be required.

Each user can modify the chosen security measure, his or her PIN code as well as the registered devices from the menu My preferences > Security > Protecting my account.
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