• Create a room

The room classically corresponds to the room where the course takes place and which must therefore be reserved. But you can create as "room" other material resources that you have to reserve for the courses: video projector, vehicle, etc. The notion of room groups will allow you to easily manage fleets. If you prefer to talk about " equipment " then, modify the designation throughout the software.

I create a room in less than a minute

  1. Go to the tab Schedules> Rooms > List.
  2. Click on the line Create a room, enter the designation for the room and validate with the key Enter.
  3. Double-click in the column Capacity and enter the number of students it can accommodate: this will compare the capacity of the room to the population of the course.

I have more time; I enter more information (when it is useful)

To display all the information, click on the button at the top right of the list and move all the columns to the displayed columns.

To modify a data or fill an empty field, double-click on it.

To modify a data for several or even all the subjects in a single operation, it is necessary to conduct a multi-selection and then to launch the appropriate command on the right-click (generally in the sub-menu Modify...).

Code: abbreviation that can be displayed in the timetables instead of the designation. Allows you to differentiate between two rooms that have the same designation.

Number: indicates the number of rooms in the group (it is then a room group and not a room).

Access: indicates the staff who have the authorization to allocate the room to courses, can be modified by an administrator or the owner.

Owner: by default, it is the user who creates the room, can be modified by an administrator only.

Accessible by reservation: to be ticked to allow online reservations by staff and teachers.

Porters: staff in charge of the room.

Hourly cost: the hourly cost allows the calculation of the cost of the courses and more specifically the cost of the room over a period or over the year.

Descriptive: allows you to enter information about the room (specific or temporary access, characteristics, etc.).

Attachments: allows you to attach a document to the room (map, instructions, etc.). The document(s) can be downloaded by users (students, teachers, etc.) from their timetable if they have classes in the room.

Area code: by default, 33. You can change it in multi-selection.

Telephone: Allows you to enter the phone number room (or the number of the person in charge).

Long designation: the long designation allows to differentiate the usual designation from an official designation (generally longer and difficult to read in the timetables).

Eye: cette colonne permet d'indiquer les données qu'on souhaite masquer durablement.

Publication: ticked by default, it means that the courses of this room will be published on the Webspaces.

I can consult this information during the year

The following information is calculated by HYPERPLANNING; it cannot be modified (that is why the columns are shaded).

Pending reservations: indicates if there are pending reservations for this room with the icon .

Fill in rate: occupied places (number of students)/available places (room capacity) in the active period.

Annual occupancy: number of class hours in the year. This calculation may or may not take into account holidays/unplaced courses depending on what is chosen in My preferences > Data > Rooms > Preferences linked to the occupancy calculation, you can access it by clicking on the button in the column title.

Annual occupancy peak: maximum number of course hours reached in one week considering all weeks of the year. To know which week it is, position the cursor on the cell: the week appears in a tooltip. This calculation may or may not take into account holidays/unplaced courses depending on what is selected in My preferences > Data > Rooms > Preferences linked to the occupancy calculation, you can access it by clicking on the button in the column title.

Occupancy peak in the period: maximum number of course hours achieved in a week considering the weeks of the active period. To know which week it is, position the cursor on the cell: the week appears in a tooltip. This calculation may or may not take into account holidays/unplaced courses depending on what is selected in My preferences > Data > Rooms > Preferences linked to the occupancy calculation, you can access it by clicking on the button in the column title.

Annual cost: calculated according to the Hourly cost of the room. This calculation may or may not take into account holidays/unplaced courses depending on what is selected in My preferences > Data > Rooms > Preferences linked to the occupancy calculation, you can access it by clicking on the button in the column title.

Cost in the period: calculated according to the Hourly cost of the room taking into account the courses in the weeks of the active period. This calculation may or may not take into account holidays/unplaced courses depending on what is selected in My preferences > Data > Rooms > Preferences linked to the occupancy calculation, you can access it by clicking on the button in the column title.

UID identifier: identifier automatically recovered during a room import.

All this information can be copied via the button at the top right of the list, then pasted into a text file.
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