• Launch an automatic placement

If you have created or imported courses without assigning time slots to them, you can ask HYPERPLANNING to place them in compliance with the constraints that you have previously defined.
During an automatic placement, all the users are placed in Consultation and all the courses that are not locked can be moved.

First step: verify the placement preferences

  1. Go to the menu My preferences > Placement > Placement of the courses.
  2. Tick the wanted options:
    • Abort the calculations at the first failure: allows to understand and solve the failure manually
    • Process the stationary courses solely in the active period: courses that are outside the active period will not be processed
    • Solve failures: activate this option only if are working on a few courses, because it includes the first attempts of the solver and therefore slows down the calculation
    • Do not modify the non extracted courses: by default, HYPERPLANNING does not move any locked courses, but can move non extracted unlocked courses... unless you tick this option. 

  1. Modify the placement criteria if necessary. By default, the values are configured so that no criterion impinges on another:
    • Favor the free 1/2 days: to be increased if you wish to liberate half-days in the teachers' timetables as a matter of priority
    • Penalize gaps: to be increased if you wish to avoid gaps in teachers' or classes' timetables as a matter of priority
    • Favor the free days: to be increased if you wish to liberate whole days in the teachers' timetables as a priority.

Second step: verify the entered constraints 

Before proceeding with an automatic placement it is essential to verify the entered constraints, they all count during the placement.

Third step: extract the courses to be placed

  1. Go to the tab Schedules> Courses > List.
  2. On the bottom slider, activate the weeks in which you wish to perform the automatic placement.
  3. Conduct an extraction of the courses to be placed.

Fourth step: launch the placement

  1. Go to the menu Placement > Launch an automatic placement.
  2.  In the pop-up window, verify and modify your placement preferences as needed.

  1. Click on the button Launch the calculation: you are transferred to Exclusive Usage mode (all other users are placed in Consultation) for the duration of the calculation.

  1. HYPERPLANNING displays the result of the placement: the placed as well as the failed courses.

  1. Close the window to see the courses in the list: in black, the courses that have been placed; in red, the courses for which a solution must be found
  2. Click on the button Quit on the orange strip at the top of the software to exit the Exclusive Usage mode and allow the return of the other users. HYPERPLANNING proposes to you to save or not the modifications.
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