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  • Initializing the PRONOTE base with data from EDT

 If you also use PRONOTE hosted by Index Education, you initialize the PRONOTE database with EDT data via an assisted transfer. Please note that you must be logged in as SPR (or super-admin) to perform this transfer.
  1. Verify that EDT courses are sufficiently specified for PRONOTE. To find courses that are insufficiently specified, launch the command Extract > Extract the courses that are insufficiently defined for PRONOTE from the list of courses.
  2. Launch the command To PRONOTE > Assisted transfer.
  3. Follow the instructions given by the assistant.
  4. Choose the connection modes you wish to authorize/prohibit when transferring EDT to PRONOTE, to avoid unwanted connections. Double-click to select authorized persons and connection types.
  5. The file needed to build the PRONOTE base is transferred directly to the hosted server.
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