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  • Send a summary of the replacements to teachers

The replacement summary table gives you an overview of replacements by period and/or by teacher.
  1. Go to the display Daily management and absences > Teachers >   Summary of the substitutions.
  2. Indicate whether you wish to summarize short-term and long-term replacements, or only short-term replacements, or only long-term replacements.

  3. Indicate the concerned period.

  4. Teachers involved in substitutions during the period are indicated in bold. Click on the teacher's name to display the list of replacements.

  5. Click on the button to display only those teachers who have substitutions during the period.

  6. Use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+A to select all teachers and display a list of all replacements for the period.

  7. Double-click on the teacher's name in the list of replacements to display details.

  1. Click on the share button to send the list of completed replacements to the teacher:
    • Send by SMS if you have subscribed to the corresponding service;
    • Send by mail allows you to use a template;
    • Send via discussion for less formal sending via the EDT discussion module (or PRONOTE if the EDT client is connected to a PRONOTE base).

To send replacement summaries to all teachers on the list at once, click on one of the icons in the quick communication bar at the top left of the screen.
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