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  • Enter an instant message

This feature enables teachers and staff to communicate instantly.

  1. Click on the button in the tool bar. The green circle indicates your status, which in this case means that you are Available. Other statuses exist:
    • : Do not disturb. You let potential callers know that you do not wish to receive messages.
    • : Invisible. You will appear in the list of possible recipients, but you will be considered as not logged in. When the right to disconnect is activated, you are automatically assigned this status on the days and at the times specified.
    • : In class. This does not prevent the teachers in the classroom from consulting the message.
  2. In the pop-up window, tick the teachers and/or staff you wish to chat with. Connected users appear at the top of the list, with their status.
  3. Click on Start a chat.
  4. In the pop-up window, enter your message and click on Send: the message appears as a notification on the screens of connected recipients. A click on this notification opens the chat window.
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