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  • Finding a place for courses in failure

If courses cannot be placed by the calculator, they are set in failure. Go to the list of courses, then sort the list by clicking on the column Status: the courses in failure are displayed in red at the top of the list. To resolve the failures, first use the automatic solver: it solves most failures by trying other combinations that the calculator doesn't take the time to explore. If it doesn't find a solution, use the step-by-step solver for the remaining simple or non-distributed courses: respecting unavailability, but do not necessarily observe constraints linked to subjects, maximum hours or recesses.

Launch the automatic solver

  1. From the display Timetable > Course > List, select the courses in failure then activate the command Extract > Extract the selection or use the shortcut Ctrl + X.
  2. In the menu Calculation > Resolution, select Launch the automatic solver: a window appears.

  3. On the left-hand side of the window, select the option Comply with all the constraints; on the right-hand side, select Standard method.
  4. Click on the button Launch the search.

    If some courses are still unsuccessful, proceed step by step. First click on Resume search to try a new placement with the same criteria; then try a new search with the option Advanced method, by varying the level of the search; in Search options, tick the resources for which you accept the non-compliance with the optional unavailability ranges (painted in orange on the grid); finally, as a last resort, select the option Loosening, then select each type of constraint to configure the loosening of their rules. Repeat the operation several times if necessary, loosening gradually.

Launch the step-by-step solver

  1. In the display Timetable > Course > List, select a course in failure.
  2. In the menu Calculation > Resolution, select Launch the step-by-step solver > while replacing 1 course at most.

    If the course is not placed after this round, start again by selecting while replacing 2 courses at most, then while replacing 3 courses at most.
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