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  • Launch an automatic placement on a series of courses

When creating your timetable, it's best to let EDT place as many courses as possible - if possible, all of them. Proceed by series of courses: place courses from the most difficult to place to the simplest (for example: complex courses of several hours/complex courses of one hour/simple courses of several hours/simple courses of one hour).

Enter the placement preferences

  1. Go to the menu Parameters > Placement > Automatic placement of courses.
  2. In the pop-up window, select the options to be taken into account:

    • Do not count the free time ranges around midday as gaps: for the classes/the teachers: in this case, EDT will not try at all costs to fill the last slot of the morning and the first slot of the afternoon, as opposed to gaps during the day.
    • Group the courses: from the beginning of the day or around mid-day.
    • Distribute the courses of the same subject in fortnights over the 2 weeks: to have the same number of hours each week. If you have 5 courses, 2 of which are fortnightly, EDT will, as far as possible, place one course in F1 and the other in F2.
    • Subjects' hourly maximum and/or Hourly maximums of teachers and classes: you can also loosen the constraints on maximum hours by averaging them over two weeks.

  3. The rubric Sequencing of the criteria allows you to classify or exclude the criteria taken into account for the placement of the courses.

    • Drag one or more criteria into the Ignored criteria column by clicking and dragging or using the button
    • Select a criterion, then click on the one of the buttons or to change the order of what is to be taken into account.
Automatic placement parameters can be modified from the automatic placement window by clicking on the button in the tab Calculation parameters.

Launch an automatic placement

The following steps must be repeated for each series of courses. Do not proceed to the next step until all courses in the series have been placed.
  1. Go to the display Timetable > Course > List.
  2. Extract the series of courses to be placed (the predefined extractions in the menu Extract can be very useful): only the extracted courses are taken into account by the calculator. Look at the column Status: all extracted courses must be de-positioned , with the exception of locked courses.
  3. Launch the command Calculation > Launch an automatic placement.
  4. In the pop-up window, verify and modify your placement preferences and options if necessary.

        • Stop at the first failure: allows you to understand and solve the failure manually.

        • Solve the failures: only activate this option if EDT has not been able to place all the courses in the series during the first attempt and you are working on a small number of courses (the option includes the first attempts at the solver and therefore slows down the calculation).

  5. Click on the button Launch the calculation; you switch to Exclusive Usage mode for the duration of the calculation.

  6. In the list of courses, you'll find the extracted courses: in black, courses that have been placed, indicated by the icon ; in red, the courses that EDT has failed to place and which are said to have failed, indicated by the icon . Use the methods for resolving failed courses  to place the last courses of the series before moving on to the next series.
  7. Once all the courses in the series have been placed, you can lock the "non de-positionable" courses to prevent them from being de-positioned by error during a manipulation. To do this, select them, right-click and choose Lock non de-positionable.
  8. Make a restoration point so that you can return to this stage of the placement at any time.
 If you wish to cancel the placement of courses, select them in the list of courses, right-click and choose De-position.
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