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  • How to allow EDT to choose which room a course takes place in?

To allow EDT to choose which room a course takes place in, you must first group together rooms with the same characteristics into a  room group, then enter the room group (not the room) in each course.

Once automatic course placement is complete, go to the display Timetable > Rooms > Room group management, then distribute the rooms in the courses for each group:
  1. Select the room group from the list on the left.
  2. Select a distribution option: Limit the displacements of the teachers or Limit the displacements of the classes.

  3. Click on the button Distribute the courses in the rooms: you switch to Exclusive Usage mode for the duration of the calculation, don't forget to quit it once the operation is complete.

    You can influence the automatic distribution by clicking on the button Optimize room distribution: in the pop-up window, configure the calculation criteria, then click on the button Launch optimization.
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