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  • Enter room unavailability

Entering unavailability for rooms allows you to manage gymnasiums, swimming pools and other special infrastructures whose availability is imposed on the institution. For example, if the institution has two pool slots, don't place the classes manually; instead, create a room "Pool", paint the entire unavailability grid in red except for the two available slots, and assign it to the relevant classes. This will give EDT more leeway when it comes to automatic placement, and the result will be even better timetables.
  1. Go to the display Timetable > Rooms > Unavailability and wishes.
  2. Select one or more rooms from the list on the left.
  3. Above the timetable grid, verify that the red paintbrush is selected and that the period is correct (weekly, or weeks F1, or weeks F2).

  4. Click/drag the paintbrush on the timetable grid to paint the slots in red where the room is unavailable.

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