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  • Activate the complementary missions of the Pacte enseignant

Define the list of missions

  1. Go to the menu Parameters > General > Missions.
  2. Double-click on the green dots to activate/deactivate the complementary missions that teachers can join.

    To allocate all middle school or high school missions in just two clicks, click on the button  located to the left of the green dot, then select activate all the middle school's missions / activate all the high school's missions.

Defining the missions of the teachers participating in the "Pacte"

  1. Go to the display Timetable > Teachers >  List.
  2. Double-click in the column Missions - if it is not displayed by default in the list, click on the button  to add it.

  3. In the pop-up window, tick the missions of the concerned teacher, modify the mission duration if necessary, then click on Validate.

  4. To quickly identify all teachers involved in a particular mission, click on the button  at the top of the column to filter it, then sort the list in the column Missions.

To allocate mission hours to volunteer teachers, you add these missions directly from the concerned course form (after completing your timetables) or from the displays dedicated to setting up replacements for the STR (RCD) type missions.
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