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  • Compare timetables

By default, only one grid is displayed per display Timetable, but you can display up to four simultaneously. Many different configurations are possible! For example, compare the timetables:
  • of four different teachers,
  • of the same class in the 1st, and 2nd semesters,
  • of all resources in the same course form.
Over four timetables, you can use the following displays: Multi-resource schedule if all resources are of the same type (to display the school's nine classes of 2nd grade, for example) or the display Timetable > Course > General schedule if the resources are of different types.

Compare the timetables of several resources of the same type

  1. Go to the display Timetable > Teachers/Classes/Groups/etc. > Timetable.
  2. In the bottom right-hand corner of the display, select the number of timetables to be displayed (1, 2, 3 or 4): the panel on the right-hand side of the screen appears with 1, 2, 3 or 4 slots.

  3. Select a resource from the list, then click/drag it to one of the slots.

    The first timetable (top and/or left) corresponds to the timetable of the resource currently selected in the list.

Compare a resource's timetable over several periods

  1. Go to the display Timetable > Teachers/Classes/Groups/etc. > Timetable.
  2. In the bottom right-hand corner of the display, tick the box A period per grid, then select a period from the drop-down menu: a period bar appears below the timetable.

    To compare timetables over several periods, you must have created these periods beforehand. If no periods have been ticked, the A period per grid checkbox does not appear.
  3. Click on a period to display the corresponding timetable.

    You can combine the option A period per grid with the display of several timetables: in this case, a period bar appears under each timetable.

Compare timetables for all resources from the same course form

  1. Go to the display Timetable > Teachers/Classes/Groups/etc. > Timetable.
  2. In the list, select the resource whose timetable you wish to display.
  3. In the timetable, click on the concerned course slot: the slot appears framed in blue.

  4. In the bottom right-hand corner of the display, select the option Course form: the timetables of other resources are displayed on the screen.

    If the course form contains more than four resources, you can modify the timetables to be displayed by clicking/dragging the corresponding resources directly from the course form.
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