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  • Create the users

There are three types of users: 
  • the type ADMINISTRATION (or ADMIN): for the super-administrators/administrators with all authorizations (the list of these authorizations cannot be modified);
  • the type MODIFICATION (or MODIF): for the majority of users, who only have the authorizations assigned by super-administrators;
  • the type CONSULTATION (or CONSULT):for users who are only authorized to consult data, without modifying it (this type is available with the acquisition of a license for Unlimited Consultation).

MODIFICATION and CONSULTATION users can be assigned to different groups, each with its own list of authorizations. To create a user, it is necessary to have first created his or her group.
These actions must be conducted by a super-administrator.

Create a group of users

  1. Go to the menu File > User administration, then enter your password: a window User administration appears.
  2. Click on Create a group, enter the group name, then press the key Enter on your keyboard: by default, the group created is of type MODIF.

    If you have the Unlimited Consultation license, you can change the type from MODIF to CONSULT by double-clicking in the column Type.

Define authorizations of a group

  1. Go to the menu File > User administration, then enter your password: a window User administration appears.
  2. Select the concerned group from the list on the left.

  3. Select each rubric and tick the actions you authorize for users in the group.

    If you're working on a PRONOTE database, a tab for PRONOTE is displayed next to the tab for EDT. This allows you to manage authorizations for both programs from either one.

Create a user in the group

  1. Go to the menu File > User administration, then enter your password: a window User administration appears.
  2. Click on the display : the panel Display the users appears.

  3. In the list on the left, select the group in which you wish to create the user, then click on Create a user in the list on the right.

  4. Enter the login, then the user's first and last name, confirming each time with the key Enter from your keyboard: a password is automatically generated, to be personalized by the user when logging in for the first time.

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