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  • Configure the times and breaks

Once you've set up the grid structure, define the times for your institution. The configuration of your institution's times is carried out in four steps via the command Parameters > Institution > Half-board, recesses and times. To reduce the risk of error, we strongly advise you to enter each section 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 in the recommended order.

Section 1: setting the mid-day

  1. Select the option Day with a break delimited by then enter the time for the end of the morning and the beginning of the afternoon.

  2. If necessary, modify the half-days that are not worked (by default, Wednesdays and Saturday afternoons): click on a hatched half-day to open it; a click on a standard half-day converts it to a non-working day.

Section 2: configuration of the half-board (optional)

  1. Tick the box to activate the panel Half-board: half-board is activated for the time range specified in the panel Midday. If your institution does not offer a half-board service on certain days of the week, un-tick the concerned days.

  2. When half-board is activated, the services that make it up appear in green. For each service, determine whether it concerns classes, teachers, or both, by ticking the corresponding boxes.
  3. To define the times of a service, click on the segments to be added or removed. The duration of a segment depends on the time step determined when the base was created.

  4. To add an additional service, click on the button Add a service. You can add as many services as you like. To delete a service, click on the icon to the right of the service concerned.

  5. The distribution of classes between services can be carried out in two ways: by ticking the box Automatic balance, the software will assign the same number of classes to each service, as far as possible; by ticking the box Manage a maximum number of classes, it's up to you to determine the maximum number of classes per service. This number must be entered in the field Max. No.

Section 3: define the recesses

By default, a morning recess and an afternoon recess are created by EDT, but you can enter as many recesses as you need and assign them to the classes concerned. The definition of the recesses has little influence on the calculations performed by the software, and is not mandatory. It is primarily a visual marking on the grid. When you create courses, it is on this marking that the command Activate recess compliance, which prevents a course from being positioned on previously defined recesses.

  1. To create a new recess, click on Add a recess, enter the designation, then validate by pressing the key Enter on your keyboard, then select a time in the pop-window.
  2. To modify the classes affected by a recess, double-click in the column Classes, then select the concerned levels and/or classes.

  3. To activate/deactivate recesses, double-click on the cell to the left of each designation: each recess corresponds to a bar in the grid on the right of the window.

Section 4: define the time designations

In this last step, you will configure the times as you wish them to appear on the software's grid and on the printed timetables.
  1. First of all, enter the first time of the grid and the actual duration of the sequences, allowing for an interclass duration if necessary (for example, 55 minutes of course time, followed by 5 minutes of interclass time for a 60-minute sequence).

  2. The times of the midday were defined in section 1. If the times you want to appear on the timetables differ from the times previously defined (due in particular to a lack of precision in the time steps) modify the designation in the field provided.

  3. Proceed in the same way for the recess settings, then click on the button Generate the times. In the right-hand pane, you can view the time designations as they will appear on the software grid and on the printed timetables.

  4. If you're not completely satisfied with the result, click on the button Customize the times below the preview grid: In the pop-up window, you can manually modify all the designations (and differentiate between those on the software grid and those on the printed timetables).

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