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  • Créer une nouvelle base (version Réseau)

There are three ways to create a new database: you can create it from STSWEB, or from last year's base, or from an empty base. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Use the information below to assess which is best for your situation.

Method 1: Building a database from STSWEB

Building a database using STSWEB enables you to work from the outset with data that is compliant with future exports (STSWEB, LSU, LSL, Parcoursup). If the services entered in the STSWEB file are up to date, this method also enables you to automatically transform them into courses - a considerable time-saver when drawing up your timetables! Once the base has been initialized, you can also recover additional data from last year's base or from *.txt or *.csv files.

  1. Open the interface of the Server, then unlock access to the application: click on the button in the top right-hand corner of the screen, then enter your username and password.

  2. To create a new empty base, click on the button at the top right of the screen.

  3. Take the time to configure the time grid, click on Validate, name the base then save it: its name appears at the top left of the screen.
  4. Click on the button Activate, then close the Server interface.

    When a database is commissioned for the first time, you will be asked to define a first superadministrator.
    At a later date, you can designate other superadministrators.
  5. Open the Client, then click on the Server connection button: the Client connection portal appears.
  6. You connect in Mode Administrative mode; enter your username and password, then click on Connect.
  7. Go to the menu Imports/Exports > STSWEB > Recover the data: a window Choice of data to import appears.
  8. Tick the data to be imported (at least: ETN (MEF), teachers and classes), then click on Validate: a window will inform you that you are now in Exclusive Usage mode; click on Yes.
  9. After importing, click on the button Quit of Exclusive Usage mode: a window asks you to confirm the changes you've made to the database; click on Yes.

Method 2: Build a base from last year's database

 Creating the current year's database from last year's base allows you to recover unavailability and courses created last year. Proceed in this way only if the data in your database changes little from one year to the next, and if you estimate that the time saved by re-entering this data is greater than the time spent deleting obsolete data.

  1. Open the Server interface and unlock access to the application: click on the button in the top right-hand corner of the screen, then enter your username and password.

  2. To create a new empty base, click on the button located at the top right of the screen.

  3. Take the time to configure the time grid, click on Validate, name the base then save it: its name appears in the top left-hand corner of the screen.
  4. Click on the button Activate, then close the Server interface.

    When a database is commissioned for the first time, you will be asked to define a first superadministrator.
    At a later date, you can designate other superadministrators.
  5. Open the Client, then click on the Server connection button: the Client connection portal appears
  6. You connect in Administrative mode; enter your username and password, then click on Connect.
  7. Go to the menu File > New base > From an old base: a window Construct a base from the previous year's base appears.
  8. Select the option Choice of another base, then click on the button .

  9. Open the *.edt file of your old database then click on Validate: a window informs you that you have switched to Exclusive Usage mode; click on Yes.
  10. In the pop-up window, verify the dates for the new year.
    • unavailability and constraints of the resources;
    • the students (if you plan to recover them from SIECLE, only keep their history);
    • the breakdowns and periods (if you don't keep them, you must choose the period for each breakdown that will be used as a reference for the timetable);
    • the courses (if you are planning a new placement, tick the option While de-positioning them; if you were using room groups, replace the rooms by their group in the courses; in this way, a new automatic distribution can be launched after the placement of the courses).

  11. Click on Validate, then click on the button Quit of the Exclusive Usage mode.

    If you wish, you can then update the STSWEB data by an import and/or modifying the time grid.

Method 3: Create an empty base

Creating the base for the current year from an empty base may be necessary, but will require more work downstream. Use this method if you don't have access to STSWEB and don't have an old database. Data must be imported by copying and pasting them from your spreadsheet files, or by entering them manually.

  1. Open the Server interface, then unlock access to the application: click on the button at the top right of the screen, then enter your username and password.

  2. To create a new empty base, click on the button at the top right of the screen.

  3. Take the time to configure the time grid, click on Validate, name the base then save it: its name appears in the top left-hand corner of the screen.
  4. Click on the button Activate, then close the Server interface.

  5. Open the Client, then click on the Server connection button: the Client connection portal appears.
  6. You connect in Administrative Mode; enter your username and password, then click on Connect.
  7. You can then enter the necessary data by importing data from a .txt or .csv file, or by entering data directly into the software.

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