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  • Defining the grid structure

You configure the time grid as soon as you create the base. It can be modified after creation via the menu File > Utilities > Convert the time grid parameters.

Configure the time grid when creating the base

  1. Click on the drop-down menu to set the first day of the week.
  2. Click on the days of the week to determine the working days (if some half-days are non-working, these will be determined later).
  3. Determine the breakdown of the day by selecting a number of sequences and their duration. The total duration should cover the entire day, from opening to the closing of the institution.

    The duration of sequences is used to calculate teachers' hours of service

    Keep the default duration of 60 min if 1 sequence corresponds to one hour of service for your teachers. Modifying this duration will have an impact on their service time.

    You can customize the actual course duration (for example, 55 min) by modifying the time designations once the base has been created (from the menu Parameters).

  4. Determine the time step according to your real needs. The more a sequence is split up, the more difficult it is to read and manipulate the timetables. For example, if the teachers' services are always 30, 60, 90 or 120 minutes, it's sufficient to divide the sequence into 2 parts.

  5. Click on Validate.

Modify the time grid configuration after creating the base

  1. Open the database, then go to File > Utilities > Convert the time grid parameters.
  2. The window Convert the base's time grid offers the same options as the initial setup (see above), with an additional option that lets you add or remove sequences at the beginning or end of the day.

  3. Once you have made your modifications, click on Validate: a window Report of base conversion appears. This allows you to detect any anomalies that may arise following grid conversion.

    If courses were placed on sequences that were deleted during conversion, these courses are not deleted, but are de-positioned. Go to the display Timetable > Course > List to find them.
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