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  • Can I use EDT Single-user when I have EDT Network?

Yes. With EDT Single-user, you can make changes off-network, then reintegrate them into the database at any time. This reintegration can be carried out in the Client EDT, or directly in PRONOTE if you also use this software.

Reintegrate modifications made in EDT Single-user into Client EDT 

  1. Download EDT Single-user from the Index Education website; during installation, select Evaluation version.
  2. Open the Client EDT, then create a copy of the database using the command File > Create a copy of the database.
  3. Open this copy in EDT Single-user; make the relevant changes, then quit EDT Single-user.
  4. In the Client EDT, go to the menu Imports/Exports > EDT, select one of the commands dedicated to importing EDT data, then select the copy containing the modifications.

Reintegrate modifications made on EDT Single-user into PRONOTE

  1. Download EDT Single-user from the Index Education website; during installation, select Evaluation version.
  2. Open the Client EDT, then create a copy of the database using the command File > Create a copy of the database.
  3. Open this copy in EDT Single-user; make the relevant changes, then activate the command To PRONOTE > Manual transfer and save the file in *.zip format.

  4. In PRONOTE, go to the menu Imports/Exports > EDT > Recover the data, then select the *.zip file.

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