Support Support EDT
  • Can I install the Server EDT or Clients EDT on a MacOS or Linux workstation?

The Index Education applications are conceived to be installed on workstations equipped with a Microsoft Windows system. However, they can be installed (with the exception of servers) on MacOS or Linux workstations using software such as Wine or CrossOver. However, it is strongly recommended that the supervisor (SPR or superadministrator) logs in from a workstation running Microsoft Windows.

MacOS-only solution

For users who don't want to install Wine on their own, Index Education offers a package including the EDT Client + Wine. 

  • have a recent version of MacOS (MacOS 10.11 and later);
  • specify in System preference > Security and privacy > General tab: Allow applications downloaded from: "Anywhere".

Solution for MacOS and Linux

You have to choose:
  • the 32-bit version of the EDT application,
  • Wine version 6.0 or higher, preferably version 8.0 or higher.

Installing an EDT application directly with Wine (example: EDT Client)

The following commands must be typed in a terminal, remaining in the same session, otherwise the local variables defined with the "export" command will be lost.
  1. Installation of cabextract

    sudo apt install cabextract

  2. Wine version verification
    wine --version This returns wine 8.0.2, for example.
  3. Create the Wine prefix to be used, i.e. the folder containing the C drive as seen by Wine applications
    export WINEARCH=win32
    export WINEPREFIX=~/ WineEDT. The folder must not exist; it will be created by the wineboot command.
    wine wineboot
  4. Use WineTricks to install MsXML 6, Windows Codecs and basic fonts in the new prefix, and change the version of the prefix for Windows 10
    sh winetricks msxml6
    sh winetricks windowscodecs
    sh winetricks corefonts
    sh winetricks win10
  5. Installation of Client EDT
    wine Install_xxx_win32.exe (Specify path if necessary.)
  6. Launching the Client EDT
    export WINEARCH=win32
    export WINEPREFIX=~/ WineEDT
    WINEDEBUG=-nls wine $WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program\ Files/Index\ Education/ .../Client\ EDT.exe
Installing an EDT application with CrossOver (example with the EDT Client)
  1. Launch CrossOver.
  2. From the menu Bottle / New bottle create a Windows 10 32-bit bottle.
  3. In the left-hand bar, select the new bottle, then right-click on the button Install an application in the bottle.
  4. In the search bar enter MSXML, then select and install Microsoft XML Parser (MSXML) 6.0 SP2.

  5. After installation, select the new bottle in the left-hand bar and right-click on the button Install an application in the bottle
  6. Choose Install an unlisted application.

  7. Click on the first button Edit to select the EDT Client installer, then click on Install.

Known problems
  • If you have two screens, there's a problem loading libcef.dll (Chromium Embedded FrameWork) which may prevent the application from launching. In this case, go to the tab Display in the Wine configuration window, tick Emulate a virtual desktop with a desktop size that suits your screen, for example 1600 x 1280.

  • If the screen resolution is too small, the IECefSubProcess.exe process may crash. Try increasing the screen resolution.

  • The HTTP proxy configuration test (menu Support > HTTP Configuration) causes Wine to crash if an HTTP server requires "Basic" authentication.


The diversity of Linux distributions and the variety of behavior within a single distribution mean that we cannot guarantee that our applications will run optimally on Linux workstations. While we are now able to reproduce all Windows configurations, it is not materially possible to achieve the same under Linux. What's more, our support team cannot master all distributions and versions. The use of our software under Linux is therefore reserved for institutions with the necessary local skills, and a good command of their system environment and firewall.

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