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  • Can I import the needs levels from a spreadsheet?

Yes, you need a file with 1 row per student and 4 columns: Surname, First name, Needs French (A, B, C) and Needs math (A, B, C) (if there are homonyms, an additional column Date of birth or National number is required). Once the data has been put into the format expected by EDT, you can recover the students' needs in just a few clicks.
  1. In the spreadsheet, select the data to be imported and copy them using the shortcut Ctrl + C.
  2. In EDT, go to the display Timetable > Students > List, then paste the data using the shortcut Ctrl + V: an import window opens.
  3. In the selection window, click on To associate and indicate which EDT field corresponds to each column:  Surname, First name, Current year > Needs per subject > FRENCH and Current year > Needs per subject > MATHAMATICS.

  4. Tick the option Do not import the [1] first lines if you've copied a title line.
  5. Click on Import. With the Network version, you switch to Exclusive Usage mode for the duration of the import. Once you have consulted the import report, close the import window and exit Exclusive Usage mode.
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