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  • Send usernames and passwords by SMS to the teachers

Login details (usernames and passwords) are private information. At the beginning of the year, please communicate them confidentially to each person concerned. Several means of communication are available in EDT. You can send an SMS if your institution has subscribed to this service, or by e-mail or letter.
Before performing the following operation:
  • Verify that your institution has subscribed to the SMS service,
  • verify in the display Communication > Mail and Documents > Aff_LettresTypes.jpg Templates that the template for SMS Connection of teachers comply with what you want to communicate to users.
  1. Go to the display Timetable > Teachers > List.
  2. Select the recipients from the list.
  3. Click on the button  in the tool bar.
  4. Select the SMS template Connection of teachers. This SMS template can be modified in the display Communication > SMS >  Templates.
  5. Click on the button Send.

    EDT warns you if some recipients do not have a valid telephone number.
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