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  • Designate the e-mail account to be used (EDT network)

To be able to send e-mails from a Client EDT, you must designate the account used: either a personal account or the institution's account if the administrator has created one.
  1. Go to the menu Configuration > Configure the sending of e-mail for this workstation.
  2. If a account for the institution has been created and you are authorized to use it, you can select it as the default account from the drop-down menu.
  3. If you wish to send e-mails from a personal address, click on the button next to Personal account.
  4. The assistant is launched: enter a name for the account and the e-mail address to be used (this address and the corresponding mailbox must of course already exist), then click on Next.

  5. A code is then automatically sent to the indicated e-mail address. Enter the code, then click on Next.
  6. Secure your account with a secret question, then click on Next to finalize the account creation.
  7. Your account is now created. Your account is now created. You can select it in the drop-down menu as account to use by default.

When you send an e-mail, you can easily change the account to be used.
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