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  • Automatically generate the courses

The automatic course generation is one of the most interesting aspects of the module Pre-incoming year: you can recover the work done during the calculation of the provisional needs and use it as a basis for dividing the total hourly volume by subject and class. If you already know the names of the teachers who will be taking certain courses, you can also enter them during this stage.

Divide the current services

  1. Go to the display Pre-incoming year > Preparation of courses> Services.
  2. Select a class from the list on the left: the list of the class's provisional services appears on the right, as you defined them in the display Pre-incoming year > Provisional classes > Services.
  3. If your institution is a high school, deactivate the specialization services: double-click on the green ball in front of the concerned service.

    The tab Pre-incoming year > Specializations and needs allows you to take into account the specialties studies in the calculation of provisional needs. However, it is less suitable for creating specialization courses than the tab Timetable > Specializations and needs. This is why we strongly advise you to deactivate the corresponding services, and create the specialization groups in the display Timetable > Specializations and needs > Generation of the specialization groups.
  4. To modify the division of a service, double-click in the column No. courses: a window appears.
  5. Tick the "formats" courses necessary for the division of the service, each time specifying the number of copies desired in the second column; If the total obtained appears in red at the bottom of the window, it is because it does not correspond to the number of hours planned for this service.
  6. Click on Transform: the division is applied to the service.

    If the division of the service is the same for all classes of the ETM (for example, a LATIN service that would bring together several classes with the same teacher), tick the box Transmit to the services of all the ETM classes.
  7. If you already know the name of the teacher who will ensure the service, double-click in the column Teachers, tick the teacher to add, then click on Validate.

    If the service groups several classes with the same teacher, save time by entering the teacher at the next step when aligning the services.

Align the services and generate the courses

  1. Go to the display Pre-incoming year > Preparation of courses > Alignment of the services.
  2. In the drop-down menu on the right of the screen, select the level to display.
  3. Select the services to align, right-click and select Align the services...: a window appears on the screen.

    All services can be aligned with each other, as long as they have the same division (for example, two services in 1.5 = 1*1:30 can be aligned, while one service in 1.5 = 1*1:30 cannot be aligned with a service in 1.5 = 3*0:30).
  4. Double-click in the box Teachers, tick the teacher(s) to be added, if necessary, modify the generic subject name/alignment color and click on Validate.
  5. Go to the display Pre-incoming year > Preparation of courses > Assigning of teachers to services: you can complete the assigning of teachers in multi-selection, independently of any alignment.

    If you don't yet know the identity of some teachers, or if you want to let EDT automatically assign teachers to services, do not click on Create the courses at the next step: you'll create courses from the Pre-incoming year > Distribution of services > Summary of the services
  6. Click on Create the courses; a confirmation window appears, click on Yes (if you are working in the module Pre-incoming year on a copy of the base).
  7. A new confirmation window appears, click again on Yes: the courses generated replace all those you may have in the base for the selected classes or level(s).
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