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  • Conduct a survey

A survey allows you to pose a question to a set of recipients and analyze their responses (free or predetermined). Recipients are notified when they log in. Responses can be analyzed as they are received.
  1. Go to the tab Communication > Information and surveys.
  2. Click on the button New, then select Conduct a survey.
  3. Indicate the type of survey:
    • Nominal survey: the responses of those surveyed appear next to their identity;
    • Anonymous survey: the responses are collected, but the identity of respondents is not disclosed. You can add individual recipients to anonymous surveys.
  4. Designate the recipients:
    • if the survey is linked to classes or groups, click on the button to indicate the concerned classes or groups. Then tick the type of recipient: Guardians, Students, Teachers, Staff or Counselors.
    • if the survey is not linked to a class or group, go to the tab Recipients on an individual basis, click on the buttons and directly tick the recipients.
    • if the survey concerns people gathered in a previously created mailing list click on the button Use the mailing lists located on the left.
  5. If the survey is addressed to guardians, choose between:
    • A dispatch per student: for a single response. Both parents can access the survey until one of them answers.
    • A dispatch per guardian: to have several answers if there are several parents. Each parent responds independently to the survey.
  6. You can also use an existing survey template by clicking on the button Recover a template.
  7. Specify the title of the survey.
  8. Select a category from the drop-down menu.
  9. Select the content of the first question and if needed, enter any possible answers:
    • Unique choice: the recipient can choose a single answer from the list. By default, the answers Yes and No are proposed. You can replace them with other answers by double-clicking directly on them.
    • Multiple choice: the recipient can choose several answers from those proposed.
    • Response to be entered: the recipient must enter a free response limited to 200 characters.
  10. If needed, add an attachment by clicking on the button .
  11. Enter as many questions as you like. You can also insert texts, for example, to provide an introductory message (the arrows and  to change the order of texts and questions).
  12. If you want other users to be able to consult the survey, click on the button to designate the teachers and/or staff concerned: they can consult the results in real time from their own Webspace by clicking on Distributed in the left-hand menu, then select the survey (button View the responses).
  13. Validate the survey:
    • to distribute it immediately, tick Publish, then define the period during which the survey is to remain visible. Then click on the button Publish.
    • to return to it later, un-tick Publish. Click on the button Create the draft. The survey can be edited from Drafts in the left-hand menu.
You can send a survey from any display by clicking on the button Communication in the top right-hand corner.
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