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  • Modify your contact preferences

  1. Go to the display My data > Account.
  2. Click on Contact preferences in the left-hand menu.
  3. In the rubric Authorizations, tick/un-tick the contact modes to be activated or deactivated.

    If you can't tick the option SMS, it's because your institution hasn't subscribed to this service.
  4. If you tick the option Accepts being a contact for the Student Administration office, you can be contacted by staff and teachers via the PRONOTE instant messaging service (chat) as a member of Student Administration. If several PEC or educational assistants have ticked this option, they will receive the same message as you at the same time.
  5. If you have authorized parents and/or students to contact you via a discussion, please specify for which classes your authorization applies.

  6. Click on the button  at the top right of your screen to save your modifications.
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