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  • Distribute information

Distributing information via PRONOTE's internal messaging system enables you to reach a wide audience without having to engage in an exchange (no response possible). An acknowledgement of receipt indicates whether the recipient has read the information.
  1. Go to the display Communication > Information & surveys.
  2. Click on the button New, then select Send information.

  3. In the pop-up window, designate the recipients:
    • if the information is related to classes or groups, click on the button  to indicate the concerned classes or groups. Then tick the type of recipient: Guardians, Students, Teachers, Staff or Internship counselors.

      If the information is addressed to guardians, choose between:
      • A dispatch per student: to obtain a single acknowledgement of receipt. Both parents can access the information, but only one acknowledges receipt.
      • A dispatch per guardian: guardians will receive a single notification, regardless of the number of children enrolled at the institution. Responses from all guardians will be taken into account.
    • if the information is not linked to a class or group, go to the tab Recipients on an individual basis, click on the buttons  and tick the recipients directly.

    • if the information concerns people on a previously created mailing list, click on the button Use the mailing lists located on the left.

  4. Give the information a title, then enter and format the text. You can also add an attachment by clicking on the button .

  5. Select a category from the drop-down menu.

  6. If you tick the option with acknowledgement of receipt, recipients will be asked to indicate that they have received the information.

  7. Before leaving the window:
    • tick the option Publish as of (...) until (...), then define the period during which the information should remain visible. Then click on the button Publish: the information will then be immediately distributed.

    • un-tick Publish then click on the button Create the draft: information will be modifiable from Drafts in the left-hand menu.

You can send information from any display by clicking on the button Communication at the top right.
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