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  • Enter and/or modify my child's personal information (medical, allergies, image rights, etc.).

To view and modify your child's personal data, go to Personal information > Child's account.

Enter/modify your child's medical information

If the institution authorizes you to do so, you can update the information concerning your child's attending physician, and enter any additional comments in the field Provide further information. Then click on the button Validate your entry , in the top right-hand corner to save.

NOTE: By default, this information is only visible to the institution's nurse. To make it accessible to teachers and the administrative staff, activate the option I authorize their distribution to the rest of the staff 

Enter/modify your child's allergies

If the institution allows, you can indicate your child's known allergies.

  1. First, verify whether his/her allergy is one of the listed allergies.
  2. Click on Add/Delete an allergy.
  3. In the pop-up window, tick your child's allergy, then close the window.
  4. If your child's allergy is not on this list, click on the frame Other allergies, enter the name of the allergy, then click on the button Validate your entry , in the top right-hand corner to save.
NOTE: allergies are automatically communicated to the institution's medical staff and half-board personnel. If you want this information to be made available to other employees activate the corresponding option.

Enter/modify your child's eating habits

If the institution authorizes you to do so, and if your child is a half-boarder, you can indicate your child's dietary habits.

  1. Click on the button Add to add/delete a dietary regime.
  2. In the pop-up window, tick your child's dietary regime(s), then close the window.

Modifying your child's authorization for Permission slips

As long as the institution authorizes you to do so, you may modify your child's authorization to leave the premises. Choose from the following options:

  • Compliance with the institution's opening and closing times,
  • Adherence to his regular timetable,
  • Exit authorized in the event of cancelled classes (except between 2 classes).

Managing image rights

By default, your child's photo is used in PRONOTE to create the rosters. You can prevent this by deactivating the option I authorize the use of the photo of [student's name] in PRONOTE.

Display of the student number INE (Identifiant National Élève)

Your child's national number is displayed.

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