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  • How do I write a valorisation memo for a student?

  1. Go to the display Resources > Students > Aff_Liste.jpg List.
  2. Select the student, right-click and choose Valorize the student.
  3. In the pop-up window, click on the creation line, enter the memo and validate with the key Enter; this is automatically shared with all staff and teachers.
To view the valuation memos, go to displays Resources > Students >  List, Absences > Entry >  Teachers' roll call sheet, Absences > Entry >  Roll call sheets of the Study Hall and staff or in the student folder, tab Student Administration.

To view the total number of valorizing events, go to the display Results > Follow-up >  Students' scholastic summary. The column Valorizations indicates the number of valorizations per class and per student. If you don't see this column, click on the button  at the top right of the list to display it.
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