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  • Export to LSL, step 3: Launch the export of data

Only administrative users authorized to export can export the transcripts to LSL. The exported data is as follows:

  • Student: student identifier,
  • Evaluations: subject identifier, periodic averages, annual appraisals, evaluation of the competencies, teachers, structure (population, average, % average distribution), date of validation,
  • Commitment: codes, recommendation, first and last name, date of validation,
  • Investment: recommendation, first and last name, date de validation,
  • Principal's recommendation: recommendation, first and last name, date of validation,
  • Exam recommendation: recommendation.
  1. Go to the display Results > School transcript >  Summary of school transcripts.
  2. Consult the column LSL > Exportable:
    • a green arrow indicates that the student's transcript will be exported,
    • a red arrow indicates that certain blocking prerequisites have not been met: position the cursor on the arrow to find out which ones they are.
  3. Verify in the column LSL > Optional data for export that the transcripts are complete. If a red i appears, the booklet is incomplete: position the cursor on the arrow to see which elements are missing (grades, annotations, evaluations, etc.). 
  4. Once any problems are resolved, launch the export via the command Imports /Exports > LSL > Export the school transcripts to LSL.
  5. In the pop-up window, click on the button to choose the classes to export. 
  6. Then choose the option NetSynchro - you can use this service even without a certificate, thanks to authentication on your academy's (Regional Education Authority's) portal.
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