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  • I'm the new Principal. How can I connect to PRONOTE if I don't have any information?

As the Principal, you need to log in for the first time with the SPR profile. For secure use of PRONOTE, you will then need to create your new superadministrator profile (nominative) to connect on a daily basis.

Why is it more secure to use several superadministrator accounts, rather than a single SPR account?

  1. To declare a change of Principal, fill in the modification form for the hosting manager and return to
  2. In return, you receive information and login details for the PRONOTE Hosting console, from which you can administer the SPR account.
  3. Connect to your console and click on the button My account at the top of the screen.

  4. In the rubric Person in charge of hosting, enter your contact details and click on Modify.

  5. Then go to the tab Password and click on Receive password by e-mail/SMS.

  6. Enter the received code and validate.

  7. You can now enter your Client PRONOTE connection password and validate.

  8. Open the Client PRONOTE and log in as SPR with the password you've created.

  9. Go to the menu File > User administration.
  10. In the pop-up window, click on the icon  Users.

  11. Select the group Administration in the list on the left.

  12. In the right-hand panel, create your new profile, then double-click in the column Super Admin. to assign yourself the role of superadministrator.

  13. When you log in again, you'll be able to use your new username and password.

As the SPR account has all authorizations (deployment, rights management, security), it is important not to deactivate (green dot) or delete it.

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