Support Support PRONOTE
  • Where to find your hosting number, latest invoice number and hosting password?

To log on to the hosting console, you must be registered with Index Education as the person responsible for hosting at your institution.
The information required to connect is communicated to the hosting manager when the hosting is set up: hosting number by e-mail, the hosting password by SMS.

To receive this information again, use the command Hosting > Receive my hosting logins from a Client PRONOTE connected as superadministrator:

When logging on for the first time from a computer, the last invoice number is also requested.

If the contact details of the person responsible for the hosting have changed since the hosting was set up (new e-mail address or new telephone number), you can request an update of the person in charge of the hosting from the form.
If you are unable to connect to the Client as superadministrator for any other reason (lost password), please contact our support service.
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