Support Support PRONOTE
  • Can I switch to hosted mode during the academic year?

Yes. If you opt for hosted mode during the year, you must load the locally created base onto the hosting console.

From the Server PRONOTE (software installed under your previous contract):
  1. Launch the command File > PRONOTE HOSTING > Generate the files for hosting
  2. In the pop-up window, enter the hosting number, validate and choose a registration folder: PRONOTE generates at least four files (*.HNOT for the base, *.HCOURRIERS for mail, *.HDOCJOINTS for attached documents, *.HPHOTOS for photos).
From the hosting console (software installed as part of your new contract):
  1. Go to the panel Server PRONOTE.
  2. Click on the button Load a base and designate the file *.HNOT.

    The Server must be shut down to perform this operation - if necessary, beforehand click on Shut down the server.
  3. Got to the tab Other bases.
  4. Select the base in the list Previously activated bases or the list Bases downloaded from the institution.
  5. Click on the button Open this base on the right.
From a Client connected to the hosted Server:
  1. Launch the command Hosting > Complete the hosted base.
  2. Designate the file *.HDOCJOINTS. 

    In the same way, recover other types of attached files (HPhotos, HCourriers, etc.).
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