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  • Manage enrolment applications

Once the enrollment form has been filled in by parents, all enrollment requests are grouped together in the display Resources > Enrollments > Enrollment requests. A file number is automatically allocated.

Consult the form entered by parents

  1. Select your session from the drop-down menu.

  2. Click on a request to view the information provided on the right.

Process the enrollment requests

Once the application has been received, the institution analyzes the information provided before making its decision.

Status of the enrollment request

In the column Status, modify the processing status of each request as you go:
  • Request not processed: the parents have sent in their application, but the institution has not yet reviewed it.
  • Request to be completed: after consultation, some attachments are missing or some useful information needs to be clarified by the parents.
  • Processing in progress: the case has been studied, but is still under arbitration.
  • Request processed: a decision has been made.

    For the status Request to be completed and Request not processed, the icon  means that the form can still be modified by parents. However, the status Processing in progress and Request processed, symbolized by the symbol ,render the form inaccessible.

    In the column Enrollment request processing status, click on the button  to manually add other criteria to be allocated to the form, then click on New in the pop-up window.


The column Annotation allows you to add comments, mainly for internal use.

However, you can also publish these remarks for parents: very useful, for example, to warn them that their application is still incomplete and specify the missing documents.
Double-click in the column Annotation, enter your comment, then tick Publish on the online enrollment form before validating.

On their Webspace, parents can read the institution's comments.


In the column Meeting, enter the date and time of appointment with parents. Double-click in the column, then enter the date and time of the meeting.

This information is not published on the Parents and Enrollment Webspace, nor on the agendas: it's just a memo to help you get organized.


The column Decision on the request corresponds to the institution's final response. 
Right-click on the request, then choose Decision > Accept the request(s) or Decision > Refuse the request(s). The notification date is automatically displayed.

In the event of a positive response, the button Add the student to the institution is then accessible at the bottom right of the screen: by clicking on it, you add the student to the list of students in the display Resources > Students >  List and recover most of the information entered in the application form.

Notify the parents by e-mail

As soon as a decision is made, you can notify the parents.
  1. For example, first select students whose applications have been accepted.
  2. Click on the button in the toolbar.
  3. In the pop-up window, tick the recipients.
  4. Select the e-mail template Enrollment request accepted.

  5. You can also:
  6. Click on Send the e-mail.

    Proceed in the same way for students who have been refused, taking care to select the appropriate e-mail template Enrollment request refused.
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