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  • Open an enrollment session

  1. Go to the display Resources > Enrollments > Enrollment session.
  2. Click on New session, enter a designation, then validate with the key Enter on your keyboard.

  3. In the pop-up window, tick all the ETM (MEF) concerned by the session, then click on Validate.

  4. Determine the maximum number of compulsory and optional electives that can be entered in families; to add FL1 and FL2 to the form, tick in the corresponding columns.

  5. In the column Max. No. requests, determine (if necessary) a maximum number of enrollment applications.

    Once this number has been reached, the form is no longer accessible online.
  6. By default, the form's publication dates correspond to the dates of the academic year; double-click in the columns From and To to modify them.

  7. To add additional rubrics to the default form, select the session you've created, then on the right, add any information you want to the default form. You can:
    • tick With instructions, then enter an introductory text for the form and/or attach instructions;

    • specify number of electives and choice of modern languages per ETM and tick Fill in the accompanying projects in the rubric Schooling;

    • specify the number of guardians to be filled in, and add optional fields:

      If the student is accepted and added to the base, the guardians associated with the form are all automatically registered as legal guardians; don't forget to change their status if necessary.
    • enter an additional field of your choice by ticking Add a free field named:, then give it a title (for example, to develop the motivations for enrolling in your institution).

    • allow parents to provide their child's report cards for the previous or current year (the titles of the documents requested can be modified: double-click on them to activate the entry).

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