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  • Why are absences entered for the day not included in the half-board absence tally?

The answer to this question depends on time of the tally defined in Parameters > INSTITUTION > Half-board.

If you enter the absence before the time of the tally, the student's meal is automatically cancelled; the student is not counted as absent - since he/she was not expected at half-board. If necessary, however, you can register an absence from the display Daily management > Half-board >  Entry of meal absences.

If you enter the absence after the time of the tally, the student's meal is prepared despite his absence during the day; his/her absence from half-board must be entered manually, or in the display Absences > Entry >  Absence and tardiness grids by clicking on the cutlery icon below the relevant day, or in the display Absences > Half-board >  Entry of meal absences.

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