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  • The roll call sheet indicates Roll call impossible for certain courses. What should I do?

If the roll call is impossible, it's because the course has not been properly defined in EDT: PRONOTE doesn't have the information needed to allocate the right list of students to the teacher. Typically, this is either a co-teaching course that has not been flagged as such, or a complex course whose distribution method has not been specified.

To solve the problem, log on to EDT:
  1. Verify the date on which the modifications were taken into account in the Parameters > Daily management > Placement (if necessary, setting it in the past, so that roll call sheets can be filled in retroactively).

  2. Go to the list of courses:

    • if it is a co-teaching course, double-click in the column i to identify it;

    • if it's a complex course, open the distribution window with Ctrl + R and select a distribution mode.

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