Support Support PRONOTE
  • How do I import data from a spreadsheet into a list?

To import data into PRONOTE from a spreadsheet, you need to login with the Administrative mode and belong to the Administration group.

  1. In your spreadsheet, select the data to be imported and copy it using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C.

  2. In PRONOTE, in the list to be imported, paste the data using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V: the import window opens.
  3. Verify that the type of data to be imported corresponds to the list to be filled in - if necessary, modify it in the drop-down menu Type of data to be imported.

  4. Indicate the field separator to be used: generally, it is a tabulation.

  5. Associate each column with a PRONOTE rubric by clicking on the arrow in the column title. If a column is not to be imported, keep Field ignored

  6. If your Excel sheet contains one or more title lines, tick Do not import the x first lines then specify the number of lines to ignore.

  7. Click on Import.
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